6C: Aslan’s Deal Chapters 13-14 (pages 152-165) Summary The four children are now reunited in the presence of Aslan. But even though Edmund is rescued, he is not really safe from the White Witch. He was guilty of being a traitor and there were laws about what must be done about such a sin. If the laws were not followed, all of Narnia would be destroyed by fire and water. So, just when everyone was celebrating Edmund’s return, the White Witch stormed into Aslan’s camp to demand the life of Edmund. She reminded Aslan that Edmund’s sin must be punished by the shedding of his blood at her hand. Everyone waited for a very long time while Aslan and the Witch went off to talk alone. At last Aslan returned and announced that the wicked Witch renounced the claim on Edmund’s life. He then ordered the moving of their camp to a new location. As they packed up the camp and moved it down the hill from the Stone Table, Aslan took Peter aside to instruct him on another upcoming battle with the Witch and her army. Peter was alarmed when Aslan said he could not promise to be a part of this battle. He, as well as his two sisters, became concerned about Aslan because he seemed very sad. After dinner everyone fell asleep except for Susan and Lucy. When they looked out of their tent, they saw Aslan leaving the camp so they decided to follow him. After a while he noticed the two sisters and, as he was very sad and lonely, he let them walk with him and comfort him by stroking his long beautiful mane. He made them promise they would leave him when he asked them to. He did this as they came to the edge of the place of the Stone Table. From their hiding place in the bushes, the girls watch Aslan walk into a great crowd of evil-looking ogres, wolves, and spirits of evil trees, poisonous plants and other indescribable creatures. And right in the middle, standing by the Table, stood the White Witch herself. _______________________________________________________________ 6D: Interactive Activity: Companion Relay Supplies: Game Set-Up: - Mark a starting line and a second line at the far end of the room or yard.
Instructions: - Divide into two teams of three or together as one team. You’ll need at least three people to play.
- Two of the players on each team grab each other’s forearms to make a “chair.” The third player sits on the “chair” with his or her arms around the other two players’ shoulders.
- On “GO” the two players carrying the third run to the second line, turn around and run back to the starting line.
- The first team to cross the starting line wins.
- Repeat steps #2-#4 until all of the players have had a chance to sit on the “chair.”
_______________________________________________________________ 6E. A Visit with the Professor: Sin Separates Good day, good day, good day! It is so good to have you here! Let’s take a look at this most important part of our story! Up to this point we have seen how Edmund’s sinful nature has lead him into LOADS of trouble! He found out that sin, defined as following one’s selfish desires, always demands a very high price. The price he paid was to be separated from Aslan. Separated from He who would help him through life’s demanding decisions. But Edmund changed. Only when he realized that he could do nothing on his own did he fully se the need to believe in Aslan and to call on His name for help. Now as he finally meets Aslan, his whole attitude has changed. He told his brother and sisters that he was sorry for all he had done. Still, there was a debt to the Wicked Witch that was unpaid. The cost of his sins was death…”His blood was her property.” “For the wages of sin is death…” That is the price we owe when we are sinful. “…but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23 That is God’s most precious gift to us…His Son. But this gift is not given until it is asked for. We ask for it by saying we are sorry. Just as Edmund said he was sorry for what he did wrong, we need to be truly sorry for the things we do wrong. And just as Aslan forgave Edmund, God forgives you and me. At this point, God wants us to change our behavior and attitude to show that we really are sorry. He also knows that these changes can only take place with His help. “I can do anything through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13 _______________________________________________________________ 6F: Bible Memory Game: Bible Verse Search Supplies: - Bible Verse Search for K-2nd OR 3rd-6th
- Paper(s) to write Bible Verse Search on
- Tape
- Marker(s)
Game Set-Up: - Write out a Bible Verse Search for each team, in large letters so they’re easy to see
- Tape the Bible Verse Search on a wall in front of each team
Instructions: - Divide the group into two teams (no more than 4 players per team.) Review the Bible verse together.
- “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23
- On “GO” the first player on each team runs up to the Bible Verse Search and finds the first word of the Bible verse. After he or she circles it and crosses the word out in the verse, he runs back to his team and tags the next player in line.
- Repeat step #2 until all of the words in the verse and the Bible reference have been circled.
- The team to complete the Bible Verse Search first wins.
Bible Verse SearchGrades 3rd-6th Using the verse written below, find all of the words to it in the puzzle. For the wages of sin is death, but the Gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23 OIEOURSDW FSTHEIFEA LJESUSOAG CHRISTRTE GTNNLONHS OHAIGIFTB DELORDFFU ROMANS6:23ET Bible Verse Search Grades K-2nd Using the verse written below, find all of the words to it in the puzzle. The Gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23 FOOFROUR INGOIDSO OCTLSLOM JVHOEDTA ETERNALN SHEDIGRS ULIFESO6:23 SORGIFTD _______________________________________________________________ 6G. Discussion Questions - Share a time that you did something wrong.
- How did God help you to change?
- Is there one sin that is bigger than others? Explain.