2 Friday mornings per month at 10:00am


If you are pregnant, still have kids at home, have kids that are grown and gone, or have ever been a mother through fostering, adoption, or step-parenting, then this group is for you!


Our Momco Meetups at Sycamore are all about coming together to support each other in real and tangible ways: caring for each other’s children, providing meals, sharing wisdom, speaking truth, praying and standing in the gaps. We strive to provide an environment that consistently demonstrates Jesus’ love to women who have often never experienced it or believe it is for them.


Twice a month on Fridays from 10am-12pm. Childcare is provided. We’ll have food, discussion through a live speaker or video provided by The MomCo, fun activities, and build relationships through laughter, conversations, and sharing advice.


Research shows that moms are feeling more lonely than ever. Motherhood is hard. Don’t do it alone. The heart of MomCo Meetups by MOPS International is to call moms to elevate themselves and motherhood, and ultimately, help them to find freedom in Jesus.

Go to the MomCo website to signup today!