Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. (Gal 6:9-10)
Last Sunday, when the Livestream went down again, I found myself thinking, actually praying, “Lord, why did you let the Livestream go down again? Isn’t what we are trying to do in these trying times important?”
Then I thought about the Apostle Paul, who never complained, “Lord, why did you allow me to be stoned, or imprisoned, or shipwrecked?”
And I felt like such a spiritual wimp!
The Apostle Paul wrote, “This happened that we might not rely on ourselves, but on God, who raises the dead!” (2 Corinthians 1:9).
God has graciously provided us with those he has gifted to help us worship together through not-so-Livestream. Both the Easter service and last Sunday’s were recorded and are posted in full in Livestream archives now, and there is no technical problem in viewing them. We are recording this Sunday’s worship service ahead of time to post at 11:00 on Sunday morning to make sure it doesn’t fail again. Mike Breakall continues to address and improve the presentation of our services. Thank you, Mike! Without his efforts and abilities, we would be stymied in addressing the technical problems that have arisen. And we thank all (10 or less!) who contribute to the service each Sunday.
By now I am sure most of you are growing weary of being restrained from normal life by the threat of this virus. Some once in a lifetime events are having to be altered. I am involved in two weddings and hoped to attend another that may have to be adjusted to no more than ten in attendance. We are addressing plans and adjustments for VBS and other summer camps. And on and on it goes… And we are just the support team for you, who face a host of challenges at home coping with being sheltered at home. We pray for you and want to know of specific concerns that you have. BUDDY CHECK! And let us know if you find anyone in trouble.
One of the adjustments is the update from the Session posted above, that the dates previously announced for my retirement are all moved back a month, and I will be in the pulpit through June. It is a privilege to do so. We are all scrambling to respond and serve however God would call us. We pray that things open up safely and we can begin to worship together by then. It will be quite the celebration!
And we pray for the Search Committee that God would lead them and the Sycamore congregation through this challenging time in their search for the next Sr. Pastor!
In the meantime, “Let us not become weary in doing good….”