Hello Parents!

I hope that you are being reminded often that even as we walk through these uncertain times, our God is all-powerful and all-knowing and ever-present and full of good.

I also hope you know that while we are not currently able to meet physically, we are still here and want to do our best to support you and resource you with materials that point your kids towards Jesus. I will continue to inform you of updates as we are able.

I will be visiting family in Columbia, SC for a few days and then plan to return Sunday. Please know you will be in my heart and on my mind and I plan to still be available via phone and email while I am away and gladly welcome any communication.

Below you’ll find resources that I’ve assembled to support your families during this time.


What to expect daily via email:

  • Baby Beginnings
    • Bible Themed Lessons for your little ones (0-36 months)
    • Same curriculum used for Sunday Morning Nursery
  • The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones and Sam Shammas
    • Videos, printable lessons including memory verses & activities
  • The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
    • 10 Lessons, including memory verses, games, snack ideas, and activities
    • You will need the book!
  • Mission Accomplished By Scott James; Illustrated by A. E. Macha
    • A Two-Week Family Easter Devotional
    • April 5 – April 19
Resources About the Coronavirus for Kids:

Coronavirus is disrupting life around the world. Kids need answers! The fear and anxiety of this crisis is amplifying the disruption in their lives. This page is our list of resources to help parents explain the COVID19 pandemic to their children. I’ve included resources from Christian and non-religious perspectives to make sure parents have all the help they need!
Last Weeks Missed Sunday School Lesson:Unit 28, Session 5: Peter Visited Cornelius

I am going to email you your children’s weekly lessons, videos, and activity sheets so you can use the week to continue on together, at our various homes. I hope you find this helpful and encouraging!

The apostle Peter preached and taught boldly after Pentecost. Jesus had commanded His followers to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. Acts 10 shows us how God made clear to Peter that the gospel is for everyone—not only the Jews but also the Gentiles.

The story begins in Caesarea (SESS uh REE uh), the capital city in the Roman province of Judea. Cornelius, a Roman centurion, lived in Caesarea. Like many of the people in Caesarea, Cornelius was a Gentile; however, he did not worship the Roman gods. Cornelius worshiped the one true God, and one day, God spoke to Cornelius in a vision. In the vision, an angel told Cornelius to send for Peter.

Now Peter was in Joppa (JAHP uh), about 30 miles south of Caesarea. As Cornelius’s men approached the city, Peter had a vision too. He was on a rooftop when God showed him a sheet of animals and commanded him to eat. The problem was that some of the animals were considered “unclean” by Jewish food laws. Three times, God said to Peter, “What God has made clean, do not call impure.”

Peter visited Cornelius and others who had gathered with him. Peter understood that God did not want a Jewish man to call anyone unclean just because he was a foreigner. (See Acts 10:28-29.) Peter preached the gospel to the Gentiles there, and they believed. The Holy Spirit filled them, and they were baptized.

The gospel is good news for everyone. As you teach kids, emphasize that God showed Peter that just as there is no “clean” and “unclean” food, there are no “clean” and “unclean” people. God calls believers to tell everyone the good news about Jesus, no matter who they are or where they come from. Jesus is the Lord of all.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.



  • The Holy Spirit helps us.
  • Peter told Cornelius about Jesus.
  • God showed Peter that the good news is for all people.
  • Everyone who trusts in Jesus will be saved.


  • What does the Holy Spirit do? The Holy Spirit helps Christians.
  • Peter learned the gospel is for all people.


  • What does the Holy Spirit do? The Holy Spirit helps Christians follow Jesus.
  • The Holy Spirit told Peter to preach to Cornelius, a Gentile.