This November, we will depart from our Mark scripture reading on Sunday morning to set the stage for the Advent of our Lord. (Yes, Christmas is right around the corner!)

Preview this coming Sunday’s Liturgy

For the next 3 Sundays, our Liturgy will walk us through the Promises of God in the Covenant he made with Abraham, the Covenant he made with David, and the Promise he gave through Ezekiel. Each Sunday will culminate with the sermon, in which Pastor Sean will preach the Parables of Jesus, and tell us how they apply to our lives and point to the free gift of salvation in Jesus.

Look for a week-specific description of the liturgy on the opening page of the bulletin.

I hope you will see that the promises of God are faithful and true! Whether you are mourning or rejoicing; whether you are in turmoil or in peace, our God meets you where you are; He longs to fellowship with you and give you His grace.

Mike Breakall

Preview this coming Sunday’s Liturgy